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how_to:translate_moosocial [2015/06/10 08:46]
how_to:translate_moosocial [2015/09/03 07:10]
mooeditor [Translating Category Name]
Line 11: Line 11:
 Note: use Poedit from [[http://​​|http://​​]] to easily edit the .po files Note: use Poedit from [[http://​​|http://​​]] to easily edit the .po files
-//__**II/How to use Poedit:** __ //+===== I. How to use POEDIT ===== 
 +POEDIT is used for translating static data (exnotifications,​ messages, error messages…etc)
 Find our language package, located at [mooSocial/​app/​Locale/​],​ look for a folder //eng//, this is English default language, copy this folder and paste into location you preferred (backup) Find our language package, located at [mooSocial/​app/​Locale/​],​ look for a folder //eng//, this is English default language, copy this folder and paste into location you preferred (backup)
Line 27: Line 29:
 #Select //Create New Translation//​ #Select //Create New Translation//​
- Select a //po // file in eng/​LC_Messages:​+Select a //po // file in eng/​LC_Messages:​
 {{:​how_to:​2f0ff632340dc677a6eeebebd3cd0f8b.jpg}} {{:​how_to:​2f0ff632340dc677a6eeebebd3cd0f8b.jpg}}
Line 85: Line 87:
 #Change your translated language folder'​s name and copy & paste into [yourmooSocial/​app/​Locale] #Change your translated language folder'​s name and copy & paste into [yourmooSocial/​app/​Locale]
-Open Admin Dashboard and go to+Open Admin Dashboard and go to Site Manager/​Languages Manager/Not Installed Languages. 
 +Now press on the //install// button 
 +#Press on Install button to start installing new language. 
 +Wait for the install process is completed. 
 +After successfully installed, users can change to new language: 
 +===== II. How to translate Menu or Widget using Admin Dashboard ===== 
 +In this section, we will show you how to Translate Menu's title, Widgets Title, Category Name, which are dynamic data by using Admin Dashboard. 
 +To use this method, an installed package is required. (Please access this link if you dont know how to install a language package: [[:​admin_dashboard:​site_manager:​languages_manager|https://​​wiki/​doku.php?​id=admin_dashboard:​site_manager:​languages_manager]]) 
 +==== Translating Menu: ==== 
 +Taking example, now we go on a try with Home on menu. Let's get to the Menu section in Admin Dashboard/​System Admin. 
 +After pressed on dropdown button to explore Home menu settings, we will see a Translation button below the Navigation Label'​s field: 
 +//#Press on Translation to begin translating the Home menu title.// 
 +Now, the Translation popup is displayed, all you need to do is input your translated content to the language you preferred and press on Save Change to make it effective:​ 
 +//#Input your translated content to the preferred language'​s field, save change to make it effective.//​ 
 +Let us return to Front-end and see how it's effective, remember to change language to your preferred language. 
 +//#Change language to your preferred language.//​ 
 +Now, the content you applied for Home menu is now taken effect from translation:​ 
 +//#The content is now translated.//​ 
 +==== Translating Widget: ==== 
 +To begin translating a widget, we must go to Layout Editor in Admin Dashboard, which located: Admin Dashboard/​Site Manager/​Themes Manager/​Layout Editor. 
 +With this guideline, we taking an example on Who's Online widget which is at Home page. 
 +Now go to Layout Editor, select Home Page at dropdown and begin editing. 
 +//#Select Home page to begin editing.//​ 
 +Next, we find the Who's Online widget, press on it's edit button. 
 +//#Press on edit button on widget you wanted to begin translating//​. 
 +Now the edit pop up displayed, we need to press on Translation to begin translation 
 +//#Press on Translation.//​ 
 +Now, input translated text to your preferred language, then click save change to make it effective. 
 +//#Input your translated text, and save change to make it effective.//​ 
 +Now at Front-end, users that using your preferred language will see it translated. 
 +//#The preferred language is now translated the Widget Title.// 
 +==== Translating Category Name ==== 
 +This article will show you how to translate a Category Name, taking example on a Video'​s Category. First of all we must get to the Category Manager from Videos Manager 
 +//#Go to the Plugin Category'​s Manager.//​ 
 +Now select a Category you want to translate. 
 +//#Select a Category to begin translating.//​ 
 +When the pop up displayed, find the Translation button, its located below Category Name's field. 
 +//#Press on Translation button when popup displayed.//​ 
 +Now, just like the others, we will have to input translated text to the preferred language, press on Save Change to make it effective. 
 +//#Input your translated text and Save Change.// 
 +Now let's see how the Front-end being effected. 
 + //#​User will see '​Movies'​ Category translated to '​Filming'​.//​ 
how_to/translate_moosocial.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/03 00:17 (external edit)