Bulk Mail function allows Administrators to send mass emails to all users in their social network easily
(for example to announce them about the site's new functionality).
In case the numbers of users are huge, you can limit the number of emails will be sent per cycle.
Before doing this, you need to set up your email account correctly.
Follow these steps to send Bulk Mail to users:
1. Select “Bulk Mail” under System Admin control.
2. Input Mail Subject, Emails Cycle (Number of emails will be sent out in a cycle) and Mail Body
3. Click Send Emails button to send the email to all users or click Send Test Email button to (TBD).
4. A confirmation popup will be shown, click Ok to continue or Close to abort.
5. Click Close button to close the popup when all emails have been sent out successfully.
6. Now all members will see a new email as below sample: