
How to generate keys and setup Pusher for real-time chat?

STEP 1: Login / Register to Pusher Account. Visit:


STEP 2:  At Channels  > click on “Get started“


STEP 3:  At Welcome to Pusher Channels! pop-up, Click “Create app” button


STEP 4: App Settings

1. Click App Settings

2. Turn on Force TLS

3. Turn on Enable client events


STEP 5:  Click on App Keys then please note App_id, key, secret and cluster


 STEP 6:   Access Admin Dashboard => Plugins Manager => Message => Genaral tab


– Enable Pusher = yes

– Force TLS = yes

– Input App_id, key, secret and cluster from STEP 5 to the fields

Then click Save Setting

After saving, the chat will activate in real-time, and a “User is typing” notification will appear in the chat room.



How to Calculate the Cost of Call Services?

STEP 1: Check Agora’s Pricing

– Please check the pricing from Agora here
As of the publication date of this article,

The cost for audio call is 0.99$ per 1,000 participant minutes

The cost for Video (HD) call is 3.99$ per 1,000 participant minutes

Note: For Video calls, only HD quality is supported

STEP 2: Calculate the Cost of Voice/Video Call

Cost of Voice Call:

0.99$ per 1,000 participant minutes equivalent to 0.00099$ per 1 participant minute.

A voice call with 2 participants, the cost for a minute would be = 0.00198$:


Cost of Voice Call:

3.99$ per 1,000 participant minutes equivalent to 0.00399$ per 1 participant minute.

A video call with 2 participants, the cost for a minute would be = 0.00798$:

Note: This is the cost you pay for Agora when user use call services on your system , You need to add other fees to determine a reasonable price to charge the client to ensure that you cover the fees you have to pay Agora and make a profit.

STEP 3: Exchange the cost to Credit

– Credit is an alternative currency to pay in this system. For more info please read What is Credit system?

– Setting exchange rate of Credits:

Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager => Credit => input Exchange rate => Save Setting

Note: for use Credit to pay Call Services, the Exchange rate should be 1000 Credits / 1$ or higher

Then we calculate the Cost in Credits

The Cost of Voice call: 0.00189 * 1000 = 1.98 Credits/Minute

The Cost of Video call: 0.00798 * 1000 = 7.98 Credits/Minute

STEP 4: Setting the Cost for each user role

Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager => Message => Permission tab.

Input the price (in Credit) in Audio/Video call for each role as you want.

STEP 5: Click Save button then clear global cache

How to enable and set pricing for Audio & Video call?

How to enable Audio & Video call?

Step 1: Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager => Message => Video & Audio settings tab.

Step 2: Set the filed as shown below

(1) Enable Video calls = yes

(2) Enable Audio calls = yes

(3) Input Agora App ID

(4) Input Certificate

Step 3:  Click Save Settings (5)

Note: For generate Agora App ID & Primary Certiicate, please read “How to generate Agora App ID & Primary Certificate?


How to set prices for Audio & Video call?

Step 1: Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager => Message => Permission tab.

Step 2: Input the price (in credit) and time to Audio call & Video call column for each role.

Example: 0.99 credit / 1 minute

Step 3: Click Save button then clear global cache

Note: input 0 (zero) = Free


How to allow sending attachments in messages?

STEP 1: Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager => Message => General tab.


STEP 2: at “Allowed file extension” field, input the file type that allow to send in messages

Example: mp4,zip,txt

Note: Blank = no allow send any attachment in messages

STEP 3: Click “Save Setting” then clear global cache


How to enable Message plugin and limit sending messages?

1. How to Enable the Message plugin? 

STEP 1: Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager => Message => General tab.

STEP 2: Setting Enable Message = Yes


STEP 3: Click Save Settings then Clear global cache

2. How to limit sending messages? 

STEP 1: Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager => Message => Permission tab.

STEP 2: There are 3 types of limits: limit users, limit messages and allow chat

(1) For limit users can chat with, Input a number to “How many users can chat with (-1 is unlimited)” column

Example: Input 10 to member role, this role can chat with 10 users only.

(2) For limit messages can chat with, Input a number to “How many message can chat with (-1 is unlimited)” column

Example: Input 10 to member role, this role can send total 10 messages.

(3) For Allow or un-allow chat,  Check/Un-check to box for each role in “Allow chat” column


Input -1 = Unlimited messaging or chatting with users

Input (Zero) 0 = Can’t chat but can see received messages

Un-allow chat = Can’t not open messages page, can not see anything in massages


Step 3: Click Save then Clear global cache