
Classifieds Plugin


Live Demo

Product Description

With Classifieds Plugin, you can easily add a classified feature to your mooSocial site, quickly and easily, which allows ads posting, viewing, reviewing and rating. It is highly customizable and convenient tool if you want to sell your products via ads.
Mobile App Support: Yes
Product Version and Compatibility:
– 1.0 for mooSocial 2.6.0
– 1.1 for mooSocial 2.6.0
– 1.2 for mooSocial 2.6.0
– 1.3 for mooSocial 2.6.0 to 3.1.0
– 1.4 for mooSocial 2.6.0 to 3.1.0
– 1.5for mooSocial 3.0.2 to 3.1.2
– 1.5.1 for mooSocial  3.1.3
– 1.5.2 for mooSocial  3.1.4
– 1.6 for mooSocial   3.1.5+
– 1.7 for mooSocial   3.1.5+
– 1.8 for mooSocial   3.1.8
– 1.9 for mooSocial   3.2.0
Product News and Discussion:      click here

Main Features

  • Allow users to write reviews on listings
  •  Google map Cluster view option that shows listing on map as markers, members can toggle to show/hide map.
  • Admin can add Custom Field for Listing Categories
  • Auto suggestion for Brands
  • Categories allow classification Listings.
  • Keywords tag can be associated with Listings. A tag widget provides easy filtering of Listings.
  • Featured Listings, Sponsored Listings, and Related Listings (same category), Listings from this seller, Review widget.
  • Search Listings with custom fields
  • Post Listing by choosing package
  • Widgets: Featured Listings, Sponsored Listings, Newest Listings,  Most Viewed Listings, Top Posters, Listing from this seller, Most Liked Listings, Most Commented Listings…

Please check full features at demo link above.


  • Manage Listings (make featured, sponsored, status,.. ).
  • Configure plugin settings: Google map API, auto approve listing, hashtag, enable plugin, number of items per page, default search distance
  • Create and manage categories (support translation)
  • Create and manage brand (support translation)
  • Create and manage payment method (support translation)
  • Custom fields (manage/create) support translation for field label only
  • Manage listings posting package (package name, description, price, valid period, featured, sponsored, ). If member purchase a package that only valid in 1 month -> the listing only appear 1 month in listing/widgets
  • User role settings (can view listings, can post listings, can review listings)
  • Manage transactions
  • Layout editor: Listings home page, Listings details and browse Listings page


+ Compatible with mooSocial 3.2.0
+ Compatible with mooApp 1.9


+ Compatible with mooSocial 3.1.8
+ Compatible with mooApp 1.8.1


+ Improved –  Layout for Listings widget
+ Fixed – Classified Photo upload


+ Compatible with 3.1.5+
+ Compatible with MooApp 1.5

+ Fixed – Bug show code when user share classified’s post
+ Fixed – Expired “Classified” issue
+ Fixed – Coding logic
+ Fixed – Show error message when admin create a brands exist on database
+ Fixed – The classified Position on map is incorrect when user posts data with Romania language
+ Fixed – Can’t translate field values
+ Fixed – Show all users have the same locations on map
+ Fixed – Classified map issue with mooSocial 3.1.6 core

+ Improved – Optimize image size
+ Improved – Classified fields
+ Improved – Apply ‘Date time’ format of mooSocial to plugin
+ Improved – Apply new share on app 1.5 to plugin
+ Improved – Allow users can add classified on Mobile App
+ Improved – Emoji for Description field

+ Added – Allow write review on Mobile App
+ Added – Apply ‘Import Categories’ feature to plugin
+ Added – Add sort for categories
+ Added – Show the expired date of current package
+ Added – Add the sold out status



+ Fixed: Security issue – can add data for any users when edit item
+ Fixed: XSS issue


+ Integrate with Openstreetmap


+ Search result contains listings of subcategories
+ Compatible with 3.0.2
+ Compatible with MooApp 1.2


+ Support mobile app


+ Fix Can not upload photo after admin drags classifieds widget to page
+ Layout issues


+ Fixed categories bugs
+ Add settings Required / Mandatory Brand, New or Used, Condition, Delivery Method, Payment Method fields
+ Add distance type default setting


Fixed category loading speed issue.

Screenshot at Jul 10 14-25-47 Screenshot at Jul 10 14-25-37 Screenshot at Jul 10 14-25-25 Screenshot at Jul 10 14-25-15 Screenshot at Jul 10 14-25-05 Screenshot at Jul 10 14-24-54 Screenshot at Jul 10 14-24-45 Screenshot at Jul 10 14-24-34 Screenshot at Jul 10 14-22-36 Screenshot at Jul 10 14-22-26 Screenshot at Jul 10 14-22-13 Screenshot at Jul 10 14-21-56 Screenshot at Jul 10 14-21-29 Screenshot at Jul 10 14-21-18 Screenshot at Jul 10 14-21-02 Screenshot at Jul 10 14-20-33