Author Archives: mooadmin

Inbox (Messages)

Inbox Messages is the place to store all messages that users receive on a social network platform. on mooSocial social network platforms, messages can be found in profile menu section.

Users can mark message as read, search message or compose new message. They can send messages to multiple friends as well.

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Notifications & Messages


Notifications is a combination of software and hardware that provides a means of delivering a message to a set of recipients. Notifications are an important part of any social network. It allows users to get to the latest updates of what happens on their community, friends and family instantly.image 26



Messages system is where user can see their DM messages from friends or other non-friends on social network. Users can create new message and also search past messages as well.

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Social log in (Facebook and Google)

Social Login is the ability to use social account to sign in or sign up on moosocial website using facebook and google account.image 26


Facebook login

It’s the ability to use Facebook account to login to mooSocial site. Site owner will need a facebook developer account and create a facebook app.

Google login

It’s the ability to use Google account to login to mooSocial site. Site owner will need a google developer account and create a google app.

User Profile

User profile is a user personal page for each member on the social network to share their information.

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Profile Info

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Basic information includes default moosocial fields like profile address, gender, birthday, registered date, last login and profile type and about me. Site owner can also define their own profile fields for users. Even profile fields can be defined based on their profile type.

Friends tab & Follower tab

List of friends and followers that user already had and followed.

Blocked members tab

List of users that a member already blocked

Profile Tab

Display feeds that a user shared or tagged by friends

Edit Profile

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User can edit their profile information including profile address, gender, birthday, profile type, time zone and about me. Users can also set their profile privacy to everyone, friends and only me. They can set whether to receive messages from non-friends or not.