Author Archives: mooadmin

Niche Social Networks Rise As Alternatives To Mainstream Platforms


In today’s highly digital world, consumers are craving interconnectivity with their communities more than ever. Through social media, users connect with others having similar interests, hobbies, and tastes. Niche social networking sites are continuing to bloom even as Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter hold considerable market share; from examples like VampireFreaks an alternative “goth” social media website, to Ravelry, a social networking site for knitting enthusiasts, the world of niche social media is huge – and getting bigger.

Who is mooSocial?


Hi Everyone,

It is with great pleasure and excitement to introduce myself, Ryan Nguyen and my SocialLOFT Team to the Community of mooSocial. We – SocialLOFT – recently acquired mooSocial as it is an exceptional match with our long term strategic plan and mission. Before the acquisition, we were excited to learn that mooSocial is light, fast, user friendly. It has great potential to be one of the best social network scripts. Best and above all, mooSocial has a very positive community which wholeheartedly supports this framework and each other.

mooSocial Version 2.1.4 is Ready for Download

Hello Everyone,
An updated version of mooSocial – version 2.1.4 – is available to download. mooSocial version 2.1.4 provides several SEO enhancements as well as multiple fixes for SEO purpose and to condition mooSocial to be “HTML5 Conformed” validated by W3C validator. It also includes other and all enhancements from previous versions. This means incremental install/upgrade is not required (as other versions of mooSocial).