
How to create a Livestream Package (in-app Purchase) on Android?

STEP 1:  Access Admin Dashboard => Plugins Manager => Live Video => Go Live Packages tab

STEP 2: Click on “Add New” buttonScreenshot_303

STEP 3: A pop-up “Add New Package” display

Enter all fields

1. How many minutes will you go live? – Enter the livestream duration for the package.

2. Maximum number of people allowed to watch your live streaming – Enter the maximum number of viewers for the livestream.

3. Video quality – Select the video quality for the host’s livestream.

4. Android product id -Enter product id as you want. Example: product_001

Must start with a number or lowercase letter, and can contain numbers (0-9), lowercase letters (a-z), underscores (_), and periods (.).

– The price will be displayed. Please note, we will use it in the next step.

5. Enable – Check checkbox

6. Click “Save” button


STEP 4: Go to then login


Choose developer account


STEP 5: Click on your Project


STEP 6: at Dashboard

Access Monetize with Play => Products => In-app products


Next, click on Create productScreenshot_310

STEP 7: at Create in-app product

Enter all fields in English

1. Product ID – Enter Product ID from STEP 3. Example: product_001

2. Name – Enter Product name

3. Description – Enter Product Description

4. Default price – Click set price


5. at Edit price

Enter Price of package from STEP 3. Example: 4.57.

6. Local prices will auto update and able to edit.

7. Click Apply prices button.


STEP 8: Click Save button.



STEP 9: Click Activate button.Screenshot_317

After activation, the package will appear like this in the Android app.



How to Purchase a Livestream Package and Start Streaming with Live Video plugin?

Live Video plugin allows users to Livestream video content in real-time, engaging audiences instantly. Whether for events, tutorials, or interactive sessions, it provides a seamless way to share experiences and connect with viewers.

STEP 1: At home page, click on Go Live

Then click Go Live button


STEP 2: Buy Livestream Package

Method 1: Click to choose package then click Pay Now

Example: Click 20 to buy package Livestream in 20 minutes


Method 2: Custom your package as you needed

1. How many minutes will you go live? –  Enter time number in minute you want to livestream. Example: 100

2. Maximum number of people allowed to watch your live streaming – Enter number of viewer. Example: 50

3. Video quality – Select a Video quality. Example: 480p

=> Live Stream Cost will  be displayed = $3.81

4. Click Pay Now


STEP 3: Select a payment method and complete the transaction.


After complete the transaction, you will direct to Ready to Live tab
This tab will show all your livestream package
Choose a package and click Start now to start Streaming
STEP 5:  At Go Live! page
1. Title – Enter your title or blank it
2. Privacy – Select a privacy
3. Select Video source
(At least one webcam is required to start streaming.)
4. Select Audio source
(At least one Microphone is required to start streaming.)
5. Click Go Live Now button


How to set a daily livestream time limit for a specific user role?

STEP 1:  Access Admin Dashboard => Plugins Manager => Live Video => Limitation tab

STEP 2: 

1. Livestream (minutes per day, maximum 1440) –  Enter time in minute

This column sets the livestream time limit for each role.

2. Maximum viewers per stream – Enter maximum number of viewer able to view livestream

3. Quality of stream – Select an option

Then you able to Save all or save for each role at Action column



After setting, each role will have the livestream time limit per day

Example: The “Baller” role will have a daily livestream time limit = 10 minutes as setting.Screenshot_339

How to Calculate the Cost of Call Services?

STEP 1: Check Agora’s Pricing

– Please check the pricing from Agora here
As of the publication date of this article,

The cost for audio call is 0.99$ per 1,000 participant minutes

The cost for Video (HD) call is 3.99$ per 1,000 participant minutes

Note: For Video calls, only HD quality is supported

STEP 2: Calculate the Cost of Voice/Video Call

Cost of Voice Call:

0.99$ per 1,000 participant minutes equivalent to 0.00099$ per 1 participant minute.

A voice call with 2 participants, the cost for a minute would be = 0.00198$:


Cost of Voice Call:

3.99$ per 1,000 participant minutes equivalent to 0.00399$ per 1 participant minute.

A video call with 2 participants, the cost for a minute would be = 0.00798$:

Note: This is the cost you pay for Agora when user use call services on your system , You need to add other fees to determine a reasonable price to charge the client to ensure that you cover the fees you have to pay Agora and make a profit.

STEP 3: Exchange the cost to Credit

– Credit is an alternative currency to pay in this system. For more info please read What is Credit system?

– Setting exchange rate of Credits:

Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager => Credit => input Exchange rate => Save Setting

Note: for use Credit to pay Call Services, the Exchange rate should be 1000 Credits / 1$ or higher

Then we calculate the Cost in Credits

The Cost of Voice call: 0.00189 * 1000 = 1.98 Credits/Minute

The Cost of Video call: 0.00798 * 1000 = 7.98 Credits/Minute

STEP 4: Setting the Cost for each user role

Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager => Message => Permission tab.

Input the price (in Credit) in Audio/Video call for each role as you want.

STEP 5: Click Save button then clear global cache

How to enable and set pricing for Audio & Video call?

How to enable Audio & Video call?

Step 1: Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager => Message => Video & Audio settings tab.

Step 2: Set the filed as shown below

(1) Enable Video calls = yes

(2) Enable Audio calls = yes

(3) Input Agora App ID

(4) Input Certificate

Step 3:  Click Save Settings (5)

Note: For generate Agora App ID & Primary Certiicate, please read “How to generate Agora App ID & Primary Certificate?


How to set prices for Audio & Video call?

Step 1: Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager => Message => Permission tab.

Step 2: Input the price (in credit) and time to Audio call & Video call column for each role.

Example: 0.99 credit / 1 minute

Step 3: Click Save button then clear global cache

Note: input 0 (zero) = Free
