
Add Song Info

1. User edit a song

2. Input info and photos to a song, can choose Artist/ Singer from suggestion list or create a new one (Then, waiting for admin approves on the back-end)

3. “Save” changes and finish the editing process.

Add a music playlist

1. Add a playlist by clicking on “Add Playlist” icon from an album or a song.

2. A user can add to the existed playlist or create a new playlist

3. Can view playlist on “Brow Playlists” page

How to verify a business?

Business owner sends verify a request

1. Edit a business to go to Dashboard.

2. On Dashboard/ Send Verification Request tab, a user can send verify request by Phone, by Documents (photos), or by both

Admin verifies business

1. Admin directs to Plugin Manager/ Business/ Verification Requests page, choose “Pending” option

2. Find Business need to verify, click on “Verify” icon to verify