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Group 1

E-learning plugin


Live Demo

Product Description

E-learning plugin is a plugin that allows user to create online courses. The course can be broken down into several lessons. After completing several lessons, learners are given quizzes to see if they can pass the course.

Setting up online courses for social network platforms as the epidemic gets more unpredictable is also a fantastic method to adapt to new circumstances, as people will revert to the internet for entertainment and learning.

Mobile App Support: YES

Product Version and Compatibility: ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH 3.1.5 +
– 1.0 for mooSocial 3.1.5+
– 1.1 for mooSocial 3.1.8+
– 1.2 for mooSocial 3.2.0

News and Discussion: click here

Main features:

+ Create a FREE or PAID online course
+ Add lesson (topic or video type) into course
+ Add topic (topic or video type) into lesson. Can’t add topic for video lesson type.
+ Add quiz (test) into main course or for each lesson/topic. Can define timer, pass score….and list of questions for each quiz.
+ Start a quiz, view scores results and list of members who have taken the quiz. View score results of all members who have taken the quiz.
+ Join the Free/Paid course. If it’s paid course, can pay using direct bank transfer or online payment gateway like paypal, credits,…Payment will go to site admin and then site admin will manually transfer back to course owner outside system.
+ My transactions: Section to allow the course owner can manage all transactions related to his courses and total earned amount.
+ View course participant list
+ Mark a lesson, topic, quiz as complete to update Course status progress
+ My courses: list of courses that member created or JOINED
+ Friends courses: list of courses that friends created or JOINED
+ Featured Courses widget
+ Popular Courses widget
+ Top comment courses widget
+ Top Liked courses widget
+ Top viewed courses
+ Course hashtags
+ Search courses based on keyword
+ Filter courses based on category
+ Course Navigation
+ Notification system: When leaner take course, when admin confirm bank transfer payment, when admin confirm payment is manually sent to tutor…..

Backend features

+ Unpublished/publish a course
+ Delete a course
+ Feature a course
+ Add, Edit or Delete a category
+ Manage transaction: can manage all transactions, search transaction by leaner, tutor, from date, to date. Change status of the transaction to paid, fail, pending or payment is sent to tutor status.
+ Settings: enable/disable plugin, force login, bank transfer details setting….

Note: When learner bought an online course, Payment will go to site admin and then site admin need manually transfer real money back to course owner outside system. We provide option called “My transactions” in admin panel and user side for admin and tutor to manage this process.


+ Compatible with mooSocial 3.2.0
+ Compatible with mooApp 1.9
+ Added: report feature
+ Fixed: Course deletion issue

+ Compatible with mooSocial 3.1.8
+ Compatible with mooApp 1.8.2

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