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Feedlist Plugin


Live Demo

Product Description

This plugin has a feature for posting status updates called Lists.  FeedLists appears to be a way for users to create a list of anything they choose such as places they’d like to travel to or a simple to-do for the day. The Lists can then be decorated with gradient backgrounds and assigned an emoji that appears next to the list title.

Mobile App Support: Yes
Product Version and Compatibility:
– 1.0 for mooSocial 3.0.2 to 3.1.1
– 1.1 for mooSocial  3.1.2
– 1.2 for mooSocial  3.1.3 and install moo313-Patch to 3.1.4
– 1.3 for mooSocial  3.1.5+
– 1.4 for mooSocial  3.1.7+
– 1.4.1 for mooSocial  3.1.8+
– 1.5 for mooSocial  3.2.0
News and Discussion:  Click here

Main features:

+ Create Predefined List Status
+ Create Own List Status
+ Add Emoji Icon to List Status

Admin Features

+ Manage Categories
++ Add New Category
++ Edit Existing Category
++ Reorder Category
++ Disable/Enable Category

+ Manage Backgrounds
++ Add New Background
++ Edit Existing Background
++ Reorder Background
++ Disable/Enable Background

+ Enable/Disable Plugin Setting
+ Multiple language supported.
+ Mobile app compatible.

+ Compatible with mooSocial 3.2.0
+ Compatible with mooApp 1.9

+ Compatible with moosocial 3.1.8
+ Compatible with mooApp 1.8.2


+ Removed: The tooltip on Mobile App & Mobile Web
+ Compatible with mooApp 1.8.1


+ Support mooSocial 3.1.5+


+ Fixed issue: position on What’s new


+ NEW: Status box can remain empty if member shares a feed list
+ FIXED: not show post feed status on app
+ FIXED: reload page issue on app when click on feed list item





Screenshot at Oct 30 10-45-31Screenshot at Oct 30 10-45-16Screenshot at Oct 30 10-49-14Screenshot at Oct 30 10-49-42Screenshot at Oct 30 10-49-55

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