Change log

V 1.4 – developing

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V 1.3

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V 1.2

New features:

  • Added new look and feel for default layout
  • Sign up process: Added “Profile preference step”
  • Added “increase popularity”
  • Profile page: Completely re-design
  • Added “Find a match” and improved “Encounter”
  • Added search and Advanced search
  • Added ‘My popularity” section that includes: matched, profile visitors, I viewed, Liked me, I liked and friend requests
  • Premium: Added a few permission settings for paid membership.
  • Added “Poke”
  • Added “Profile background” change into profile page
  • Improved Interest module: now member can select from the list, admin can define the list in admincp. Member also can add more interest if admin allow to do so.
  • Profile info: Added basic profile fields and profile data for each field. Ex: height, weight, body type…..
  • Privacy setting for profile: Who can share a post into my profile, who can see my friend
  • Profile note: Added into profile page
  • Profile spotlight + Suggestion block: These block will show paid profiles only.
  • Opposite gender improved.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a log of found bug from version 1.0


See more details here

V 1.0

First version

Last Updated On July 22, 2024