Author Archives: mooadmin

GDPR Compatible patch release + some tips


Install this patch to enable users to delete all the data relating their accounts by themselves to made your mooSocial based community to comply with European Union’s set of regulations “General Data Protection Regulation” (GDPR).

Please go to Client Area to download file then update your site accordingly

+ “Patch for 3.0.0 – GDPR – delete account” for mooSocial 3.0.0 version
+ “Patch for 3.0.1 – GDPR – delete account” for mooSocial 3.0.1 version

If you’re using lower moosocial version, please contact us we will help you update.

+ Mobile Apps: this update only works with mobi app 1.2, it’s not available on 1.1 and below versions

+ DO NOT upgrade your live site until you have a full backup of your site’s files and have successfully performed a test upgrade on your development (test) site first.

Depends on your location so you may need to seek legal advice to make your site fully compatible with GDPR. Below are some general tips from mooSocial:

+ Download and install “Download a copy of data” plugin here
+ Enable option that allows your members can delete all the data relating their accounts by themselves by installing the “GDPR Compatible patch” we’re announcing here.
+ Enable cookies warning message in admincp (Admin admin -> System settings -> Features tab -> Enable Cookies
+ Update your Privacy Policy to comply with GDPR requirements

We hope this patch and tips are helpful. If you have questions, please feel free to post at moo-community.


mooSocial Team

New Release: Social Mobile App (Android & iOS) 1.2


The long awaited update to our mobile app is here!!! Social Mobile App version 1.2 for mooSocial in both Android and iOS platform is released. This version brings extensive code update to include a lot of native features. It also aim to improve user experience with speed optimization by streamlining data access thru our newly released APIs library. Layout improvement for both Android and iOS is also done to make our apps friendlier to end-users. Version 1.2 adds many native features such as the ability to mention friends, take photo from camera, share multiple images or link sharing… News Feed ((Home, User Profile, Group, Event) layout and speed has been improve tremendously compared to previous version. Below is a full list of improvements of version 1.2:

Android Demo:
iOS Demo:
Demo site is purged periodically for cleanup, please create a new account if your previous ones no longer work as it would be deleted in the process.)


  • UX Improvements for both Android, iOS Apps
    • Splash screen – Slideshow
    • Improve layout to increase user friendliness
  • News Feed Improvements (Home, User Profile, Group, Event)
    • Friend Mention
    • Take photo from camera
    • Upload Multiple Images
    • Link Sharing
    • Optimization
    • New mobile-friendly layout
  • Comment Improvements
    • Friend Mention
    • Take photo from camera
    • Optimization
    • New mobile-friendly layout
  • Social Connect
    • Facebook
    • Google
  • Splash Screen Slider
  • Newsfeed speed optimization
  • Invite Code integration


+ Requires mooSocial 3.0.1
+ DO NOT upgrade your live site until you have a full backup of your site’s files, database and have successfully performed a test upgrade on your development (test) site first.

We hope you will enjoy this new update as much as we’ve enjoyed baking it. Do let us know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for this version below.

mooSocial Team

New Release: mooSocial 3.0.1


We are glad to announce the release of mooSocial version 3.0.1. This new version brings several new exciting improvements to mooSocial. Speed Optimization is one of the focus. News Feed will load much faster than before. An extensive library of Application Programing Interface (API) is now included. This allows a faster and easier way to integrate other applications with mooSocial. Utilizing APIs, allows our new Social Mobile Apps (1.2) to streamline is data access thus tremendous speed improvement. Full list of improvement is listed below:

Demo link:

– Speed Optimization
– API Library. Full list can be viewed here:
– Mobile Apps (1.2) Integration
– Friend Limit set to 5000
– Remove setting “Auto disable accounts that do not match above min age restriction or has reached max age restriction (?)”
– Bugs Fix

+ For upgrading, please make sure all add-ons (themes and plugins) are compatible with mooSocial 3.0.1 before upgrading.
+ If you are using Mobile Apps, they need to be at version 1.2 to work well with 3.0.1. Please contact us if you need to upgrade your current Mobile Apps.
+ DO NOT upgrade your live site until you have a full backup of your site’s files, database and have successfully performed a test upgrade on your development (test) site first.

We hope you will enjoy this new update as much as we’ve enjoyed baking it. Do let us know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for this version below.

mooSocial Team

mooSocial 3.0.0 Release


Hello everyone!

Just wanted to let you know that mooSocial version 3.0 is now released. This release addresses a lot of found issues and some major improvements.

Below is a list of improvements made and bugs fixed that are included in this version. Let us know if you saw any bugs in our script or have any improvement suggestions. We will be glad to look into them.

Improvements Made:

  1. Added discount coupon code system for subscription module. Now you can create coupon code and send it to your members so that they can get discount when upgrading membership level.
  2. Memcached setting is added to speed up site loading speed. mooSocial has already supported CND and now it also supports Memcached. This will turn up the speed of your mooSocial community site a lot.
  3. Paypal Express Checkout payment gateway (already added at 2.6.2 )
  4. Applied queue for notification summary email. Daily emails will be added to queue before sending to members to make sure that hosting email sending limitation per day does not reach if you have a lot of members.
  5. Multi language ability for membership package. You can translate package compare table to other languages.
  6. Sign up process improvement when site is at “approve only” mode and “subscription” is enabled.

If site is at ‘approved only’ mode and if member selected free package to sign up -> free package will be auto assigned to member. Account will be active once it’s approved by admin.

 If site is at ‘approved only’ mode and If member selected paid package to sign up-> System will save the selected package, once account is approved -> member can login but system will auto redirect user to payment gateway selection page for payment.

  1. Editable Profile Pop-up: add new setting in admincp for admin to choose which info ex gender, DOB…will appear in profile popup.
  2. Member is confused about the “username” field in edit profile. We added “Full profile url” info ex “” under “username” field in “edit profile” page to let user know that this field is for profile address (not for login).
  3. Added show/hide, required/not required setting for “about me”, ”username” and “timezone” field in to global setting. Admin can configure to show/hide/required/not require at sign up form.
  4. Admins and super admins shouldn’t be allowed to login as other admins
  5. Improved loading speed of photo “lightbox”. It loads much faster on web and mobi now.
  6. Email or notification/push notification will send to member if he has not read a message from another member at a specific period. If you installed chat, this feature only works if you do not integrate chat with internal message.
  7. Inserted Emoji Chooser icon at “what’s new” and “comment box” for web version.
  8. Added “search by user role” field into user manager. You can filter members by user role now
  9. Removed version field from “Global Settings” page as it’s confused to be there.
  10. Add “invite friends” into people page.
  11. Friendly URL Translit is added :

Some browsers are not able to work correctly with Cyrillic links. This improvement converts Cyrillic characters into Latin in all new URLs.

Supported languages: Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Greek, Turkish, Romanian, French, Italian, Spanish.

Links without plugin: domain/topic/1-вышла-локализация-для-версии-400

Links with plugin: domain/topic/1-vyishla-lokalizatsiya-dlya-versii-400

Bugs fixed:

  1. Fixed image rotate issue when CDN is enable
  2. Can’t save role settings issue is fixed.
  3. If installed a plugin that has very long name -> the “transfer” button in “Storages system” module disappear.
  4. Duplicate friends appear in “my friends” if user clicked accept request button many times.
  5. Show warning error when guest submits ‘Confirm RSVP’ on event without logged in.
  6. Video upload plugin doesn’t work well when enabling S3 service.
  7. On global search, layout is broken when showing many items.
  8. The top link in the “Your Notifications Summary” email doesn’t work – it has 2 Https:// in the link
  9. Paypal checkout page is not responsive on mobi. It’s responsive on mobi now.
  10. When you view the images you see the thumbnails bar is overlapping on the image issue is fixed.
  11. I am having an issue on certain user photo uploads, the photo credits Male’s photo instead of the actual user name. so instead of it saying Jane’s photo it says Male’s photo –
  12. Layout issue after member accepting cookies warning message at site header
  13. Login as issue: Admin can login as Super admin.
  14. Fixed found issues of events plugin.
  15. Copy and paste link on status box on mac os safari issue. It auto inserts “v” after the shared link.
  16. Cannot upload photos when server set memory_limit =- 1
  17. Item owner cannot view feed of the his private items on Everyone tab
  18. Database is incorrect with the some collations
  19. Comment issue on photo theater mode view (on mobi web). System will auto disable the theater mode on mobi now.
  20. Category at item details page such as blogs, topic…displays incorrectly when user changes to another language.
  21. Show undefined code on notification when owner deletes group
  22. User name is displayed incorrectly with mention
  23. Loading forever when editing State/ Province of Country Manager
  24. Events are duplication in my upcoming events…
  25. Error message appear when clicking on setting icon of “paypal express” in “plugins manager”
  26. Loading forever when user searches people with many profile fields.
  27. More link doesn’t work well if user shared a very the long status
  28. Duplicate likes being generated for a single post if member click on “like” action many times
  29. Fixed facebook login issue. If member has already logged in using fb account before, he can login again although he has been logged out from facebook.

Please Note:

+ All add-ons (themes and plugins) are compatible with mooSocial 3.0.0 by default.

+ Mobile Apps: need to upgrade API. Please contact us after you upgraded your site to 3.0 so that we can help you update api to make apps work well with 3.0

+ DO NOT upgrade your live site until you have a full backup of your site’s files, database and have successfully performed a test upgrade on your development (test) site first.

We hope you will enjoy this new update as much as we’ve enjoyed baking it. Do let us know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for this version below.


mooSocial Team

mooSocial 2.6.2 Release



This minor release addresses ONE issue that was reported by clients who’re using paypal adaptive payment gateway. PayPal Adaptive is one of the popular and flexible payment gateway but to use it you need to generate Live Application ID. The process to generate this LIVE ID is very complicated and normally it requires professional help.

Paypal express checkout payment gateway is added in to this version that fixed the above issue. You can get Application ID for paypal express checkout gateway just a few simple steps.

Improvements Made:

+ Added paypal express check out payment gateway.

Please Note:

+ Some plugins such as stores and business directory are not compatible with paypal express check out gateway yet. We need around 1-> 2 weeks to make them compatible.

+ DO NOT upgrade your live site until you have a full backup of your site’s files, database and have successfully performed a test upgrade on your development (test) site first.

+ Download 2.6.2 package at mooSocial client area and follow the instructions in the below link to upgrade. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

We hope you will enjoy this new update as much as we’ve enjoyed baking it. Do let us know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions for this version below.

mooSocial Team