Author Archives: mooadmin

mooSocial 2.2.1 – Payment Gateway, Hashtag, User Tag

It’s time for another update on the upcoming version (2.2.1) of our beloved social network software – mooSocial . Version 2.2.1 is currently in Quality Control stage at the moment and is expected to be released very soon. It is another major release and not a minor as some might have thought. Beside including Membership Subscription component mentioned in earlier post, mooSocial 2.2.1 will also come with many other new features and enhancements worth mentioning.

Goodies in mooSocial 2.2.1 – Membership Subscription

Good News!!! As development for mooSocial 2.2.1 is wrapping up, we are getting closer to make mooSocial even better than before. It might be a good time to provide you some updates and let you know what will be included in this upcoming version. We hope that you will like this update and  support us to make mooSocial  as one of the best Social Network Software.

mooSocial 2.2.0 – The fastest, lightest, features packed social network software.

mooSocial 2.2.0 is here! We are glad to announce the availability of the Final Release. It is better than ever!!!  mooSocial is a lighter, faster, mobile-friendly (responsive web design), features packed social network software. Since 2.1.x, there have been a lot of transformations and improvements. Not only that, mooSocial now supports Add-ons which will greatly expand its capabilities. With third parties’ plugins and themes, there will be endless possibilities for your website. With mooSocial, your social network website will be what you have imagined.

When It Comes to Social Network Marketing, Niche is the New Black


If you thought all social networking activity took place on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+, think again. There is a preponderance of niche social networks that appeal to nearly every interest and taste.

Niche networks run the gamut from celebrity fan sites to industry-specific business networks to philanthropic groups, and there’s good rationale for their existence. Rather than connecting people with family and friends across their social graph, the nexus of these communities is shared interests and passions, or their “interest graph.”

The Rise Of The Niche Social Network


Far from being a marketer’s worst nightmare, smaller, more focused networks are becoming places where people actually listen.

The option to share Instagram photos on Facebook and Twitter is both a blessing and a curse. When I want to share a photo that’s particularly special with my Facebook friends who aren’t on Instagram (i.e., my grandma), I can do so. When I want to share a photo that’s particularly witty on Twitter, I can do so. But when I see the same linked photos on Facebook and Twitter, and then again on Instagram, it drives me nuts. Especially if said photos are of my friend’s cat… and I like cats. In short: cross-platform integration has gone overboard and it’s led social giants to become one massive lump of blah.