Cache settings

Cache is a hardware or software component that stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster. mooSocial platform uses three types of cache: file cache, memcache and redis cache.

To use memcache or redis cache, site owners have to install these on the server.


  • File cache (default)
  • Memcache
  • Redis cache

Storage and CDN

Cloud storage and CDN now is the important features for any platform. It helps boost speed of the social network sites by distributing the site contents to many servers around the globe that near the location of users.

on mooSocial, amazon S3 and Cloudflare is built-in feature. Site owners just need to purchase Cloudflare and amazon s3 to integrate to the system.

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  • Cloudflare CDN
  • Amazon S3

Menu manegement

Menu is the fundamental structure of any website. It helps users to navigate though the site.

On mooSocial platform, menu management is designed to have flexible structure where site owners can create many menu and add it to specific location throughout the sites easily. They can even group menu into categories to make the structure of the sites more clearer.

mooSocial has two main menu: Main navigation and footer menu. Main navigation contains core features of mooSocial likes: home, people, blogs, topic… Footer menu contains static pages like term of service, privacy and contact…

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  • Create main menu
  • Create menu header
  • Footer menu
  • Create new custom menu
  • Add external links to menu

Coupon manager

Coupon is the best way to give a promotion or discount to any goods. on mooSocial website, coupon is used to give users a discount on a special features of the site or give users a discount on a subscription plan.

Site owners can set the amount of discount by fixed amount or by percentage. They can also set a discount expired date. They can also restrict the usage limit for each coupon.

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  • Set coupon by fixed amount or percentage
  • Set coupon expiry date
  • Activate/Deactivate a coupon
  • Limit usage per coupon

Payment Gateway Manager

Payment gateway is managed via Gateway manager feature on mooSocial. By default, mooSocial has two type of payment gateways: paypal adaptive and paypal express checkout. Site owners can purchase new payment gateways like: stripe, zombaio…

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  • Paypal express checkout
  • Paypal adaptive payment
  • Can install new payment gateway like: stripe, zombaio…