By default, “Location” is one of the key matching criteria that system will base on to suggest profiles to your members. If you want to remove this from matching condition, please follow below steps:
- Admincp -> Plugin manager -> Dating -> Setting
- Find “Enable Location Field”, then can enable/disable it
If it’s disable, system will remove it from edit profile and matching condition.

You may need to require member to upload a few profile pictures for you to verify to make sure that it’s not a fake one. This guide will tell you how to setup.
- Admincp -> Plugin manager -> Dating
- Find “Max profile picture can upload (?)” setting and enter the number of profile photo that you want member to upload upon sign up.
- If you want to approve all the profile picture, please enable the setting “Profile picture approval?”
Only approved photos can be viewed by other members
As admin, you will got a notification whenever a new media file is uploaded and need to be reviewed and approve
As member, you will got a notification if admin rejected/approved your uploaded media