
How to post a sticker in a comment?

This article will walk you through the steps to post any sticker in the comments.
1) First, you select any post where you wanna share Stickers.


2) Click the Stickers icon from the list of icons on the right => Show the Sticker section.


3) Then, simply choose any sticker of your choice and click on it.


4) Type other text in the comment section to go with the sticker => Click the Post button. Now that it’s finished, you can see the sticker in the comments.


How to add new categories and stickers?

The Stickers plugin allows the Site Admin can create a new category and add new stickers for categories. Follow this guide for more information.

1/ Add new categories:

Step 1: Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager => Sticker => Categories tab


Step 2: Click the Actions button => Select Add New option on the drop-down list.


Step 3: Go to the Create New Categories page


                (1) Icon: Upload icon.

                (2) Background color: set the background color by entering the color hex code.

                (3) Name: Enter the category name.

=> Click the Save button. The new category has been added.


Step 4: (Front-end) The newly created category will be visible when members click on the Stickers icon in the What’s new box or the comment box.


Home page – What’s new box


Comment box

2/ Add new stickers:

Step 1: Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager => Sticker => Stickers tab


Step 2: Click the Actions button => Select Add New option on the drop-down list.


Step 3: Go to the Create New Stickers page


(1) Icon: Upload icon.

(2) Animation interval: set time interval for the sticker (unit: millisecond) 

NOTE: If this field is left blank or 0 value, the default value from the Settings tab will be used.


Settings tab

(3) Name: Enter the sticker name.

(4) Images: Upload sticker image.

Step 4: Select the category => Click the Save button.


 The new sticker has been added.


Step 5: (Front-end) Members will see the newly created sticker when they click on the Stickers icon in the What’s new box or the comment box.


How to Send, Delete, or Reply to a Message?

This tutorial will demonstrate how to send, delete, or reply to a message in Shoutbox chat.



Enter your message into the shoutbox and emoji if desired => click the Send button or press Enter button on the keyboard.




1/ Move your mouse over the message you want to delete 

2/ Click on the three dots icon => Select the Delete option from the drop-down list.


3/ Click the OK button on the Confirm pop-up.


Your message has been removed from the shoutbox




1/ Move your mouse over the message you want to delete 

2/ Click on the three dots icon => Select the Quote option from the drop-down list.


3/ Enter your message into the shoutbox and emoji if desired => click the Send button or press Enter button on the keyboard. Your quote message has been sent.


How to activate Shoutbox on your site?

Site Members can use the Shoutbox plugin to quickly leave lists of short messages on the website. Adding a shoutbox plugin will make your site more user-friendly and attractive, as well as increase the social network’s interactivity.

Follow the steps below to learn how to activate the shoutbox plugin.

Step 1: Access to Admin Dashboard => Site Manager => Theme Manager => Layout Editor

Step 2: Select the page where you want the Shoutbox widget to appear. We’ll use the Home page in this article.


Step 3: Filter by Shoutbox plugin.


Then drag and drop the widget to Home Page.


Step 4: On the pop-up, fill in the components information.


          [1] Title: enter shoutbox widget title.

          [2] Enable Title: enable or disable the shoutbox widget title.

          [3] User Group Access: allow which User Roles can see the shoutbox widget.

After filling in all the information, click the Save Changes button.

Step 5: Save your changes by clicking the Save Changes button.


Step 6: (Front-end) The Shoutbox widget is now available on the Home page.


How to enable sound on shoutbox?

The Sound feature, which has been available since version 1.1, is only available on desktop computers. When someone sends a new message to the shoutbox, a sound will be played to notify site members. 

Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager => Settings


Tick on this box => Click the Save Settings button.


(Front-end) The sound feature is now turned on. A sound will be played when new messages are received.