User roles

User roles is one of the most important features of mooSocial platform. It allows users to be divided to different categories and grant certain permissions to these categories for example: users can be categories as guest and members and admin. And each role has different permissions like guests only allow to view content but cannot post or interact with the content.

mooSocial site owners can create new role or edit existing role. They can even delete a role if they don’t want to.

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  • Create user role
  • Edit user role
  • Change role permission
  • Delete user role

User management

Users are managed on mooSocial platform by user manager feature. mooSocial site owners can add new user, manually approve a user, export users to csv file, delete users and search users. They can also login as user to login to as user account. They can edit any information of that user and they can also remove users content and also resend user validation Email.

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  • Create new user
  • Edit users information
  • Manually approve users
  • Export users to csv file
  • Login as a user
  • Remove user content
  • Resend verification email
  • Delete a user

Spam Challenges

Spam challenges is a set of questions that manually added by mooSocial site owners to increase the security of the site beside google capcha. It is a great way to filter spam users that by pass the google capcha that entering your site to post spam content.

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  • Add question
  • Edit question
  • Delete question

Profile types and custom fields

Profile types and custom fields are the most versatile features on mooSocial platform. It helps social network owners create so many type of social networks from social network for professionals to social networks for artists and go on.

The features help to create custom profile types and add custom fields to it. Fore example, site owners can create social network for professionals, they can add profile types like business owners and employee types like lawyers, IT… Then they can add custom fields like college, year of graduate, year of experience… to make a profile unique.

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  • Create a profile type
  • Delete a profile type
  • Create a profile field
  • Delete a profile field
  • Make field requires to be filled on sign up page
  • Make field searchable
  • Make field visible on profile
  • Activate/deactivate field

Cron jobs management

Cron jobs is a server scheduler to do a periodically tasks. Cron jobs management on mooSocial platform shows list of tasks that the system currently running. Site owners can disable/enable certain tasks that they don’t want to use.

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  • Enable/Disable cron job
  • Cronjob settings