Plugins manager

Plugins manager is the place to mange all mooSocial platform plugins. Site owners can install, uninstall new plugins. They also can download the plugin to their local machine.

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  • Install/uninstall plugins
  • Download plugins
  • Installed plugins list
  • Not installed plugins list

Country manager

we know that our clients are from different part of the world Where each country has different way to manage state, province and zip code. So the ability to manage these info is essential for a successful social network platform.

On mooSocial, we provide a tool to mange these info which is country manager plugin. Site owners can create new country and and states to this country. They can even add translation to these states and country.

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  • Add Country
  • Add State
  • Delete Country
  • Delete State
  • Change orders
  • Add Translation for country and state

Language manager and translation tool

All languages on mooSocial is managed in language manager section. Site owner can install new language, delete languages here.

Translation tool is a tool for site owners to translate a specific phrase to their preferred language or change the default phrase to another phrase in English language.

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  • Installed languages list
  • Not Installed languages list
  • Delete Languages
  • Translate a phrase
  • Change a phrase

Themes manager

Theme manager is a place where site owners manage their themes on mooSocial platform. They can install new theme, delete theme, create new theme and modify existing themes.

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  • Install/uninstall themes
  • modify theme
  • create new theme
  • installed themes list
  • Uninstall themes list

User roles

User roles is one of the most important features of mooSocial platform. It allows users to be divided to different categories and grant certain permissions to these categories for example: users can be categories as guest and members and admin. And each role has different permissions like guests only allow to view content but cannot post or interact with the content.

mooSocial site owners can create new role or edit existing role. They can even delete a role if they don’t want to.

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  • Create user role
  • Edit user role
  • Change role permission
  • Delete user role