
How “Follow” feature work

Access Admin Dashboard –> System Settings –> Features

Enable ‘Follow’ function by checking on ‘Enabble follow function’ checkbox. After enabling function, a new button call “Follow” will appear on member profile page. You can follow someone without adding friend to see update from him/her. If you’re friend with someone -> you will auto follow him/her


How to follow an user:

– Click on Follow button on Profile popup:


– Click on Follow button on User profile page:


How to un-follow an user:

– Click on Unfollow button on Profile page OR Profile popup of the followed user.


– OR you can go to your profile page –> Following tab: choose user to un-follow

The un-followed users will be disappeared on Following tab


How to configure (change color, font….) of current active theme

If you’re using mooSocial version 3.1.5 or above, please read this

Access to Admin Dashboard –> Site Manager –> Themes Manager –> Theme Settings



#1: Enable/ Disable Theme. If this option is enable, the custom settings will apply to current active theme

#2: Click on Reset Settings –> Back to default setting of current active theme. System will ingore all of changes made so far.

#3: User select color –> Page Background color will be changed


#4: User can select color or upload photo.

– If user uploads photo, header background will be this photo.



– If user click on Reset, header background will reset to default



#5: User can select color. If user selects color, this color will be displayed on site





#6: If “Apply to Landing Page” is checked, theme will apply to landing page


#7: User can select color. If user selects color, this color will be displayed on mobile

How to setup mail Queue

You should enable mail queue if a number of emails will send from your Niche Social Network site is over email sending limits of your hosting server.  Here is how to configure:
1. Go to System admin -> Mails -> Mail settings tab -> Select “Yes, enable email queue” at Email Queue field.

2. Enter appropriate value into “Mail Count” field.  Mail count is a number of emails will send out from your site every 1 minute (you can change this time interval by changing “Background Mailer” cronjob at System admin -> Tasks -> manage settings. If you’re not sure how to change it, please keep it default 1 minute. )
Ex: your hosting email sending limits per hour is 1500 emails (contact your hosting provider to know to get this number)
Number of emails can send max per minute will be: 1500/60 = 25 emails
 –> Value for “Email count” will be 25 in this case.
Importance: if you enable email queue, email sending will be delayed as all emails will be added into queue first then send later.