Minor Release and Upcoming Major Version

Hello everyone,

We would like to let you know about mooSocial’s newest version 2.1.5 and what is coming in the upcoming major release – 2.2.0. Hopefully, you will be excited as we do when looking at the “sneak peek” for version 2.2.0 in this newsletter.

As you are reading this, mooSocial version 2.1.5 is already available for purchase or download. Head over to the Client Area of mooSocial website to download this version and upgrade your site(s) to the latest now.  mooSocial v2.1.5 includes many CSS fixes to our Default Theme. It also reinstates some missing features which was unintentionally left out from previous versions such as the ability to reorder the main menu or the ability rearrange custom profile fields. For more information about mooSocial 2.1.5, please visit mooWiki to see what has been implemented in this version.

As for mooSocial version 2.2.0, we have been working on it for quite sometime now. It will not be a long wait until v2.2.0 is available. mooSocial 2.2.0 will be the biggest transformation of mooSocial yet. It will include many improvements our customers have been asking for. Many new features will also be incorporated into mooSocial. Not only that, it will be a keystone for future extensibility, to provide better support for third parties plugins and themes. Here is the list of major items we are currently working on for mooSocial 2.2.0:


  • Code Refactoring: Restructuring mooSocial’s source code without changing its external behavior. The goal is to improve source code maintainability by improving code readability and reducing complexity.

  • Plugin Improvement: Major rebuild from previous plugin system while adhering to CakePHP’s standard. It will be easier for third party developers to create plugins for mooSocial and allow site admin to have better control over installed plugins.

  • Menu System: Provides full control of mooSocial’s main menu, the ability to create custom menu as widget, multi-level capability, add external links, drag n’ drop,….

  • Membership: Ability to offer different membership packages both free or paid with trial subscription and recurring.

  • Payment System: Incorporate payment gateways into mooSocial. PayPal will be the first payment gateway included in v2.2.0

  • Social Connect: rewrites social connect with facebook and Google using their latest APIs.

  • Cache Improvement: Improving caching to enhance performance

  • Themes Improvement: Improve Default theme to follow bootstrap standards. Offering Site Admin more choices in Theme by adding two additional web responsive themes (Light & Dark)

  • Feeds Improvement: Create a more vibrant, immersive display of feed items and allow multiple images upload

  • Mail System: (Possibly on v2.2.0) New mail system will include mail queue, support TLS SMTP. It will also support mail template which allows Site Admin to have full control of each email being sent out.

Thank you for your time and continued support! Let us know if you have any questions or comments about this newsletter as we will be glad to answer them. We hope you enjoy using mooSocial as much as we enjoyed baking it.

mooSocial Team wishes you and your family a Happy and Joyful Holiday Season!!!


Ryan Nguyen

mooSocial Team