
mooSocial 3.1.8 roadmap

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New Features

New Theme! New look and feel for the default theme.

The landing page is redesigned! Replace the “Register form” with “Login form

Group 1 (1)

Brighter and bigger icons

Screenshot at Nov 17 12-01-46 Screenshot at Nov 17 12-01-33 Screenshot at Nov 17 12-01-16

Share a post is also redesigned!

Create a separate page for members to share a post to make it more user friendly and improve loading speed for home feed. Members can click on “+” at the home page header or “What’s in your mind” text at home feed to start sharing a new post.

Screenshot at Nov 17 12-04-59 Screenshot at Nov 17 12-03-59 Screenshot at Nov 17 12-03-44

Footer icons for mobile web

Frame 527

Events plugin improvements

  • Event search: Can search events by country, city, state and or zipcode. Can also search by event start date
  • Event notification: event owner will get notification when someone joins his/her event
  • Notification will send to all attendee if event owner update event schedule
  • Event reminder: to reminder attendee xx day before event start date
  • Event for group: Can create an event for group

Groups plugin improvements

  • Add option to search member in “member tab” of group
  • Block user from group: allow owner to ban a member from group and manage list of banned members to unban
  • Group loading speed

We also address found bugs from 3.1.7 at this version.

mooSocial 3.1.7 Released!


We are pleased to announce the release of mooSocial 3.1.7. The 3.1.7 version comes with improvements contributed by members of the moosocial community site and addresses a lot of found bugs from the previous version.


  1. Added a new settings into the settings page to allow the admin to hide the “Delete my account” option from edit profile page. 
  2. Allowed to upload image/webp file type at newsfeed
  3. Default map api changed to Openstreetmap
  4. Setup guide for the admin section that lists all important tips that admin should read when first using mooSocial. Setup guide can be accessed in admin panel or at front end (mini menu)
  5. Can upload and install plugins in AdminCP: in this version you can upload a plugin package and install it by yourself in the admin panel -> Plugin manager -> Upload addon. 
  6. Can share tikok video link at newsfeed
  7. Don’t show payment gateway if it does not support “trial + recurring” type package to avoid payment issue
  8. Tested with mysql 8
  9. Loading speed optimizations
  10. Disable email sending when adding a member as friend to avoid spam issue. 
  11. When adding/editing a custom field, admin can have option to hide/show profile field from info tab at member profile page
  12. HTML block: can translate content inside the block 
  13. Allowed to embed html and javascript code into content of page in “Pages manager” plugin
  14. Now, you can copy and paste photo into “what’s new” box
  15. Added “Send test email” into “manage mail template” for you to preview the email after editing the content
  16. Allowed to upload gif photo into album
  17. Added a new setting called “Remove Profile Picture & names from the landing page” to allow admin to hide the newly joined profile block from landing page
  18. Hide not approved account from member list
  19. when a user logs out from anywhere on the site he must always be redirected to site home instead of login page. 
  20. Can search user in admin panel by IP address
  21. Allowed to attach files into “bulk email” 
  22. If A joined eventA, if someone posted something inside EventA -> A will get notification A also can turn notifications off for a specific event. 
  23. Add a new level : country – state – city. Can add or import cities into a state. Can disable all countries/states at once. Don’t show country/state dropdown box if there is only ONE activity country/state
  24. Direct message: show read/unread to let user know who has read the message
  25. Add recaptcha to forget password page to avoid spam
  26. Better password policies for password field: Passwords need to be at least 6 characters in length and should include at least one upper case letter, one number, and one special character. Admin can enable or disable this thru the setting “Enable better password policies” in admin panel -> setting page
  27. AWS s3 improvement – upload directly to S3
  28. These recurring subscriptions need to shut down when accounts are disabled or deleted.
  29. Don’t allow other admin to edit details of super admin (User id = 1)
  30. Add a setting called “Home feed only loads activities that were created/updated (days) ago” to limit the number of feeds that the system will load by time to improve loading speed at home feed. Ex: if you entered “60”, the system only loads the feed that was created/updated 60 days ago.
  31. Album photo block in profile page: changed it to block to allow admin to drag and drop in thru layout editor 
  32. User manager improvements: Only super admin (id =1) can have full permission and can change user role of all users. Admin or Super admin A can’t edit or delete other admin or super admin. Admin and super admin can edit, delete but does not allow to change the role of other users, can edit profile but can’t change role. In admin panel, user manager, add new column call “Lock delete”, admin can check it on/off to disable delete option at edit profile, only super admin can do this and if a member is locked deleted, only super admin can delete him

Bugs Fixed

  1. Remove limitation 1k when user searches friends/ members
  2. If a member renews his membership for 1 year for example, the system will add 365 to their current membership expiration date instead of adding 365 from the renew date. 
  3. Fixed layout issue of menu in member profile page
  4. Fixed share event issue, when sharing an event, a random text auto appear
  5. The color bg and emoji appear above the cookies warning message issue
  6. I changed the password in admin and clicked Change Password, I got a conf mess Password has been changed and I click Ok, but then I get the Change password prompt again. I have to click on another page to get out
  7. Font size of menu and some text on home is small issue
  8. Show warning error when user deletes an item that contains reply 
  9. Light theme settings issue
  10. Send message box issue: if i have a lot of friends, when i type name to search to send message, it show me very long list but i can’t scroll thru all members inside the list
  11. Search results issue in admin panel:  in admin panel, if the search results has more than 2 pages, you click on 2nd page for example, it will reload the page and show full
  12. Number of likes is incorrect when user views the likes on the photo theater mode
  13. Global search and plugin search issue
  14. Cannot install mooSocial on MySQL 8.0
  15. Summary emails going to deactivated members
  16. A follow B but A also can see post that B shared with Friend only 
  17. Not verified email yet but still can follow users
  18. Like action does not work well in group 
  19. reCaptcha doesn’t work
  20. Images are not displayed in the correct order when upload multiple photo at home feed
  21. Category permission  setting issue
  22. Fixed some security issues
  23. Redis cache for multiple sites on same server issue
  24. Removed option to rotate photo when enabling Amazon S3
  25. Go to blog category directly using url like -> it show all blogs
  26. Auto trim the email: if you enter email address into login form that includes space -> can’t login issue 
  27. Changed sub scription to Subscription on Subscription setting
  28. Can post a null comment into blog, topic .. issue
  29. Fixed some spelling and grammar issues. 
  30. A lot of small issues…

Below are some importance notes for the new versions:

New version is available to download at client area

  • All of the paid plugins are compatible with  3.1.7 version.
  • Mobile apps version 1.6 is compatible with  3.1.7 version.
  • Paid themes: all themes are compatible with 3.1.7 version
  • mooSocial cloud: new version will auto update soon for all existing clients. 

DO NOT upgrade your live site and mobile Apps until you have a full backup of your site’s files, database and have successfully performed a test upgrade on your development (test) site first.

To celebrate the new version, we have an exciting offer for you, all of our products are running at a huge discount of 15%.

Coupon code: moo317,  Expire on 15 Oct, 2022


mooSocial Team


Announcing mooSocial Cloud


We are pleased to let you know that the mooSocial platform now is on Cloud. With mooSocial Cloud, we want to make the process to start a new social community faster and easier. That means no coding skills, minimum effort required, no more worrying about updates, hosting….because everything is on cloud and managed by mooSocial team.

Main features

  • All features from mooSocial self-hosted platform
  • Add-ons: All of the plugins and templates from the self-host version are compatible with cloud version also. Can purchase and install in minute
  • Easy Domain Mapping: it’s able to map mooSocial cloud social network to a custom domain name
  • Mobile Apps: Android and IOS
  • Multi-language support
  • Customizable: All features and apps can be customized follow your requirements. The landing page, color of the site can be customized by you thru admin panel.
  • Monetization: mooSocial cloud supports many monetization methods such as advertising placement services, ad-free membership or exclusive access rights.
  • Security, Backups: We do daily backup and store backup files max 5 days. If your site is inactive for some reason you will have 5 days to re-activate it. SSL Certification is included
  • And much more here !

To celebrate, we’re offering a great discount 15% on everything except for customization service. Coupon code MOOCLOUD Validity: Until Mar 15th, 2022.

Best Regards,
mooSocial Team