
How to send gift to your friends?

In a special day or any days, you want to send a gift to a special person on the system. Let use Gifts plugin


Step 1. Go to Gift plugin, and find the gift you want to send.

heart Gift | mooSocial Plugins - php Social Network Software 2022-10-19 13-57-24


Step 2: Click the item to view detail:



Step 3. Click the Customize and Send this gift button >> Open Edit gift page.



1. Select a friend: Show the friends suggestion list when you input keywords, let add many friends who you want to send this gift.

2. Message: leave your best wishes for your friends.

3. Send: click here to send gift to your friends.

4. Save: Save the input data on My Gifts page.



After thinking carefully, you can send to your friends, or edit again, or delete your custom gift forever.

5. Preview: open a Gift preview popup when clicking the button.


6. Cancel: will remove the custom gift after clicking the button.



Step 1. Go to Gift plugin, and click the Create icon >> Open Create own gift page.



Step 2. Select gift type and input data into the Create own gift page.



  1. Choose type of gift: photo, audio or video.
  2. Price of the gift type: you have to pay fee if that gift type is more than 0 credits and will be free if its price is 0.
  3. Title: enter the gift title.
  4. File: upload your gift.
  5. Select a friend: Show the friends suggestion list when you input keywords, let add many friends who you want to send this gift.
  6. Message: leave your best wishes for your friends.
  7. Send: click here to send gift to your friends.
  8. Save: Save the input data on My Gifts page. (the same with Step 3 of Section A above)
  9. Preview: open a Gift preview popup when clicking the button.
  10. Cancel: will remove the gift after clicking the button.


Note: the gifts will be saved on the corresponding My Gifts tabs.




How to manage the available gifts on the system?

How to manage the available gifts on your system? Follow this tutorial.

Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager => Gift => Manage Gifts tab.

Manage Gifts | mooSocial Plugins - php Social Network Software 2022-10-19 11-09-39



Step 1. Click the Create New Gift button >> open Create Gift page.



Step 2. Enter information:

  1. Title.
  2. Credit: Price (by credits) that members have to pay when they choose and send this gift to their friends.
  3. Category: choose category which you want this gift belongs to.
  4. Type: Select type of gift (photo, video or audio).
  5. Upload content of gift (the corresponding photo, video or audio) after completing #4 above.
  6. Upload the gift thumbnail.
  7. Enable: check on box to enable gift.


Step 3. Click the Save button.



Click the gift name/ title to edit a gift.



The enabled gifts will be visible on All Gifts page (at front end).

Click the Enable icon or Disable icon at Action column to disable or enable for each of gifts.



Or go to Edit gift (2) page to enable or disable it.





Click the Delete icon at Action column >> Show the popup.

delete | mooSocial Plugins - php Social Network Software 2022-10-19 11-57-06


Click OK button to confirm deletion.


How to set price for the gift sending?

How to set price to members for the gift sending by photo/ audio/ video. Please follow the steps below.

Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager => Gift => Settings tab.

Settings | mooSocial Plugins - php Social Network Software 2022-10-19 10-58-59


Photo gift price in credits: the price of the photo gift sending (in credit) that you have to pay when creating a new one to send.

Audio gift price in credits: the price of the audio gift sending (in credit) that you have to pay when creating a new one to send.

Video gift price in credits: the price of the video gift sending (in credit) that you have to pay when creating a new one to send.

Note: 0 for free.


(Front end)

Site members have to pay fee (by credits) when they sends gift to their friends.

pricw Add New Gift | mooSocial Plugins - php Social Network Software 2022-10-19 11-27-19


How to active the video gift sending feature on site?

Gifts plugin allow user sending the gifts with many types (Photo, Audio, and Video). This article will guide to you how to active the video gift sending feature on your site.


Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager => Gift => Settings tab.

Monosnap Settings | mooSocial Plugins - php Social Network Software 2022-10-19 10-22-46


Enter the path to your FFMPEG installation fully.

The video gift option will be visible at the gift creation page.

Add New Gift | mooSocial Plugins - php Social Network Software 2022-10-19 10-29-06

How to integrate Gifts plugin with Credits system?

This article will demonstrate to you how to integrate Gifts plugin with Credits system before site members send the fee gifts to their friends.

Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager => Gift => Credits Integration tab.



Tick on Yes option and then click the Save changes button.


If tick on No option, site members will see the warning message when they send the fee gifts.
