
Add a Product – Store version 2.9 or above

This tutorial will show you how to add a product, and what information you need to include to help make sales.

The first condition: You are a seller”

Create new product:

Go to Store => Seller Dashboard  => Products


Click on the Actions button => Select Add New to create a new product.


Go to Create Product page:

1. General tab


– Check on “Enable” to publish the product on the Products page.

– Input data to all required fields (*)

– SKU is not duplicated with other products on site.

– Have 3 product types:

  • Regular Product.
  • Digital Product: The seller can upload a file that the buyer can download. Allow extensions are managed by the site’s admin.
  • Link Product: The seller can input a URL that the buyer can view.

– Optional fields are not required.

2. Images tab

– The seller can upload many product images.


(1) Choose an image to make the main product image.

(2) Enable/ Disable the product images.

(3) Order the product images. 

(4) Delete the product images.

3. Video tab

– The seller can upload many videos to the product.


(1) Enable/ Disable the product videos.

(2) Order the product videos.

(3) Delete the product videos.

4. Inventory tab

+ Manage Stock checkbox is checked:


(1) Stock Status: have 2 options

+ In stock

+ Out of stock: can’t add to cart with the “out of stock” product.


(2) Stock quantity:

    + 0 is unlimited.

    + The seller can enter a quantity for the product.

(3) When the product is sold out, there are 2 options: “Stop selling” or “Continue selling”

+ Manage Stock checkbox is un-checked: The seller selects Stock status for the product.

5. Attributes tab

The seller can Select or Create New Attribute for the product.


(1) Order the product attributes field.

(2) Delete the product attributes field.

6. Variations tab

– The seller needs to add attributes before creating variations.


* Create variations from all attributes: Create every possible combination of variations from attributes and values.

* Add variation: The sellers add variations manually.

7. SEO Settings tab

The seller enters the Keyword and Description for the product.


8. Shipping tab


– Weight (kg): info of product and this info will affect to ‘Weight Based Shipping’ on Manage Shipping page.

– Shipping Class: select shipping class for the product.

9. Settings tab


– Check on ‘Allow share’, ‘Allow discussion’, ‘Allow review’ to allow users to share, comment, review this product.

– Check on ‘Show the quantity field’: users can view the quantity of the product.


Click on Save button to complete the creation product process.


How to use Magic Page plugin?

This plugin allows you to create your own landing page, a static html page, custom Error Page, custom offline page… Please follow below steps

  • Login to admin dashboard
  • Go to plugin manager > magic page plugin
  • Create New Page
  • Enter page title, page alias, page meta keyword and description and select page permission
  • Select Blank Page Layout or pre-defined layout to customize. We will release new pre-define landing pages as paid plugin then you can purchase to add them into library.
  • Save Page
  • Click edit page layout to edit a page you created
  • There is pre-defined positions that you can add or remove a widget
  • Click add widget to add new widget to the the area you want. If you’re developer, you can customize to add more widget into the list.
  • Click configure button to modify the appearance of the widget you just added
  • It’s auto saved. You can close the browser and view your page
  • You can add your new page to site main navigation using page alias (
  • You can also map to the system page: Landing page, Error Page and Site Offline Page by go to mapping and assign your page to these pages.  Ex: you created a new landing page and want system open that page when member visit your webiste. You need to go “mapping” section and select page you created at “Landing page” field to map. Save changes then go back to front end to check again.

Layouts tab in admin panel: This tab includes all of the installed template that you can use when creating a new page. We will release new template soon as a paid plugin for you to purchase later. As developer you can develop to add more templates

Screenshot at Dec 31 17-45-00

Widgets: This tab includes all of widgets that you can drag and drop into your custom page. As developer you can develop to add more widgets

Screenshot at Dec 31 17-45-13

Placements Ads Size

You need to know what size each ad position is suitable for. And here is ideal size for moosocial Ads.

Sidebar Ads (Left and right sidebar on default theme)


Ideal ads size: 250x250px

Sidewide Ads (Top and Bottom on default theme)

Frame 598

Ideal Ads size: 1170x90px

Middle Column Ads

Frame 599

Ideal Ads Size: 570×90 px

2 Columns Ads

Frame 596

Ideal Ads Size: 860x90px


How to configure twilio gateway for sms verification plugin and sign up/in with phone number plugin

Step 1: Gp to Twiilo website

Step 2: Sign up a new account or log in with existing account

Step 3: Go to console dashboard and follow steps to verify phone number (skip this step if you already veified)

Step 4: Go to here to create a new project

Step 5: After creating a new project, go to here to select country list

Step 6: Go back to console dashboard, and click on “Upgrade Project” to buy full sms service

Step 7: You can find “ACCOUNT SID” and “AUTH TOKEN” (LIVE Credentials) here

Step 8: Go to moosocial admincp, expend “Plugins Manager”, then select “Sms Verify” or “Phone Signup”, click on “Gateway” tab, click “Edit” from Twillo row and input all settings

From: input phone number which is registered from Twillo

Sid: input “ACCOUNT SID” from Twillo

Token: input “AUTH TOKEN” from Twillo

How to install new plugin

1. Upload “app” folder and their contents to your site (allow overwrite old files).

– copy app folder of plugin


– Paste to [yourmoofolder]


2. Go to Admin Dashboard >>> Plugins Manager >>> Manager.

3. Open tab “Not Installed Plugins” and find the uninstall plugin (example “Who viewed me” plugin) click install.


4. To configure this plugin, please go to: Admin Dashboard >>> Plugins Manager >>> plugin just install (example : Who viewed me.)

5. Go to Admin Dashboard >>> Clear Global Caches

6. Enjoy it