
How to config Facebook and Twitter for Social Publisher plugin?

In this article, I will show you how you can quickly config the Facebook and Twitter application integration for the Social Publisher plugin.


1. Config the Facebook app and get App ID: please refer to the Facebook App Integration tutorial

2. After config Facebook app, return to your site and go to Admin Dashboard => Plugins Manager => Social Publisher.

3. Open Facebook tab => Paste App ID to Facebook App Api field => Save Settings.



1. Go to and login your Twitter developer account.

Note: if your account is not a developer account, you will get a message requesting “Apply for a developer account”, please click “Apply for a developer account” and follow all steps to apply developer account.

2. At Dashboard tab, click on Create Project button:


3. At Projects & Apps tab, you must fill all your project information.

3.1 Enter Project name and click on Next button.


3.2. Select a Use case and click on Next button.


3.3. Enter Project description and click on Next button.


4. After create project successfully, you must fill all your application information.

4.1 Select your App environment and click on Next button.


7. Enter your App name and click on Next button.


8. After creating the application successfully, you will see your keys and tokens. You must save API Key and API Key Secret for your own because they will not show again.


9. Click on App settings button.

10. At App settings page, click on Set up button.


11. You have to fill all your app settings.

11.1 App permission: select Read and write and Direct message.


11.2. Type of App: select Web App, Automated App or Bot.


11.3 App info: enter app info and click on Save button.


#1. Callback URl / Redirect URL:
enter [url your website]/social_publisher/social_publishers/shareendpoint/twitter


#2. Website URL: enter your website URL.

#3. Organization name (optional): enter your organization name.

#4. Organization URL (optional): enter your organization URL.

#5. Terms of service (optional): enter your Terms of service URL.

#6: Privacy policy (optional): enter your Privacy policy URL.

Note: In case you lose your API Key and API Key Secret, you can view the Reveal API Key hint or Regenerate it in the Keys and Tokens tab.


12. Return to your site, go to Admin Dashboard => Plugins Manager => Social Publisher.

13. Open the Twitter tab, and paste API Key to the Twitter App Consumer Key field and the API Key Secret to the Twitter App Consumer Secret field.


How to use Censored Words plugin?

Protect your site today from profanity, explicit or inappropriate content, and abusive terms with our easy-to-use plugin.

Censored Words Plugin also has a built-in feature which actively scans your ENTIRE site (all comments, replies and posts), flagging specific words that are implicit in the content policy and censoring them with predefined characters. With easy-to-use configuration options, you’ll be up and running protecting your site in no time.

Follow this guide to know how to use Censored Words plugin.

Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager => Censored Words

1. Censored Word Enable: tick on to enable the plugin

2. Enable for under: enter age limit will apply the censored word

3. Email Recipient(s) User Name: enter usernames will receive a list of items with censored words via email

4. Not registered user, enter email: enter email to receive a list of items with censored words (separated by commas)

5. Default Word Replacement: enter a default word to replace the inappropriate words

6. Censor Words List: list of words to be censored (separated by a new line)

7. Save Settings


The censored word will be shown like this:


How to manage Reaction settings?

To guide on what Reaction settings do and how to use them, please follow the article below.

Access to Admin Dashboard => Plugin Manager =>  Reaction.


1. Enable or Disable Reaction plugin

2. Enable or Disable any reaction:















3. Reaction counts preview: maximum number of reactions displayed.


4. Icon template: select the template to use (Animated emojis or Static emojis).

  •  Animated emojis016_Reactions
  • Static emojis017_Reactions

5. Save settings button.

How to use Reaction plugin?

Reactions plugin allows you to let your friends know how you feel about a post, comment, or item. Previously you could only “Like” these things, but using Reaction plugin, you has a variety of reaction options such as Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, Angry, Cool and Confused.

Follow this tutorial to know how to use Reaction plugin.

To react to a post on your feed, hover your cursor over the “Like” button at the bottom of the post. You should see the menu of reaction icons pop up. Now, just click on the reaction you’d like to add. You can only add one reaction per post.

If you accidentally click the wrong one, don’t worry. You can follow the same steps to change your reaction to a post.


You can also react to comments on posts the same way.


To react to an item, hover your cursor over the “Like” button at the bottom of the item and click on the reaction you’d like to add.


You can view the list of users reacted by click on the number next to reaction list.


The list of users reacted will be shown like this:


You can switch between tabs to see the list of users in each reaction.



How to post status with sticker?

Members of the site can use the Stickers plugin to add stickers to status updates or comments, just like Facebook users do to convey emotions. To learn how to post a status with a sticker, refer to this tutorial.

Step 1: Click on the Sticker icon on the What’s New box => Show the Sticker section.


Step 2:  You can select a sticker category then choose your sticker or search for a specific sticker.


Step 3: After you’ve added a sticker, finish your status update and click the Share button.


Some notes:

1/ You can only add one sticker to a status update.

2/ To remove a sticker from your status update, click the X icon.