
How to turn your community site to approved only mode

Access Admin Dashboard => System Settings => Security

Enable the ‘Approve Users’ function by checking on the “Approve Users” checkbox => Click on the Save Settings button.


After enabling the function, your site will go into approved only mode.

When a new user registers to join your site, the account will be pending until the Site Admin approves the request.



To approve join requests, the Site Admin goes to Admin Dashboard => Users Manager

The Approved status will be “No” when your site turns to approved mode.


Click on the account you want to accept the request to join


Change the Approved status to “Yes” => Save Changes button.


Now Users can now join your site.

Install new language and translate your site to new language

Install new language

Two ways to create a new language into your site:

+ Installed existing language

Admin panel -> site manager -> languages manager -> Not installed language tab -> Click on “Install” button to install your desired languages. If the languages that you want to install is not inside the list, please contact us for support

Screenshot at Dec 30 17-38-52

+ Create a new language

Admin panel -> site manager -> languages manager ->  Click on “Create New language” button to create a new language

Screenshot at Dec 30 17-40-05

Translate the phrases that have not be translated to your language yet
If the the language that you just installed or created is not fully translated, you need to translate more by yourself. Please follow the below steps to do that.

Admincp -> Site manager > Language Manager

# Click Translate icon (see below screenshot)


# Search phrases you want to translate or change


# Select one result from the list and translate or change it to new phrase


# Save and clear global cache and browser cache to check again

Translate for Menu or Widget using Admin Dashboard

In this section, we will show you how to Translate Menu’s title, Widgets Title, Categories of the plugin to other languages.
Translate Menu

 Admin Dashboard -> System Admin > Menu.

Screenshot at Dec 30 17-50-15


Click on “Translation” link to open popup, Inside the popup, select language then enter text to translate it to the selected language. Don’t forget to clear global cache and browser cache


Let us return to Front-end, select the language that you just translated to check to see if it works or not

Translate Widget:
Admin Dashboard -> Site Manager -> Themes Manager -> Layout Editor.

At Layout Editor, select the page that contains that widget that you want to translate the title


Click on “Edit” icon of the widget.


Click on “Translation” link inside the popup to translate



Select language that you want to translate into, then enter text and save your changes.



Clear browser cache and global cache then check again at user side.


Translate plugin categories

This section will show you how to translate categories of a plugin. Below is categories of videos plugin


#Go to the Plugin Category’s Manager.

select a Category you want to translate.


Click on “Translation” link to open a popup


Select language and enter text that you want to translate.


Click save changes and check again at users side



Translate Profile type and fields

How to translate profile type

Admin panel -> System admin -> Profile types

Click on “Edit” button of the type that you want to translate to open popup. You can translate profile type to other language there.

Screenshot at Dec 30 17-23-38

How to translate profile fields

Admin panel -> System admin -> Profile types -> Select a type -> Select a field

Click on “field name” that you want to translate to open popup. You can translate profile field to other language there.

Screenshot at Dec 30 17-31-51

How to translate options inside a field

Admin panel -> System admin -> Profile types -> Select a type -> Select a field -> Field values

Screenshot at Dec 30 17-34-04

Click on “value name” that you want to translate to open popup. You can translate field value to other language there.

Screenshot at Dec 30 17-35-05

mooSocial Cloud – Step-by-Step Guide

After your site is active, please follow Step-by-Step Guide here to setup your community to make it works and looks follow your needs

  1. How to start my own social network site using mooSocial cloud
  2. How to login to admin panel of your website
  3. Why and how to to clear global cache when make changes in admin dashboard. 
  4. Do general settings like Change site name, site description, site keyword, set default timezone, default language….
  5. Set up SMTP to send notification & invite friends email
  6. Add Google Developer Key Or Enable OpenStreetMap
  7. Change Powered by info at footer, mooSocial Logo and favicon icon
  8. Change max upload file size
  9. Enable Spam Protection with reCaptcha 
  10. Setup Facebook & Google Login button
  11. Change content of about us, site policies, terms of services.
  12. Add new page into your site
  13. Install new language if you want to have more than 1 language.
  14. Domain mapping
  15. Upgrade your existing mooSocial cloud plan to new plan
  16. Setup email of “contact us” form
  17. Purchase and install new plugins + themes
  18. Manage menu
  19. Layout Manager
  20. Add Adsense Ads Widget
  21. Change color of the theme
  22. Create your own custom landing page, error page…. using magic page plugin.

Configure these plugins if you buy those

For more documents, please check our help center here

How to set default home page for logged in member

By default, member will see homefeeds after they login into your community, want the system to load difference page? Please follow below steps:

1. Login as admin
2. Go go admin dashboard
3. Go to System admin -> System settings -> Features tab.
4. Find “Home page after logged in” and fill in the name of the new URL (See below screenshot). Click on Save changes, login again to check to see how it work.

image (12)In this screenshot, member will be redirected to browse jobs page after login, you can configure for it to redirect to photos, videos….

Hope it helps.